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4 Steps to Get the Most from Technology in Private Security

Written by Silvertrac Software | Jul 14, 2020 11:07:27 PM

Modern private security service providers have come to rely just as much on technology as other industries. Whether you’re aware of it or not, your operation probably uses technology every single day. You might use smartphones to communicate, guard management software for incident reports, or even run remote guarding services.

And there’s a reason for that. Technology helps you provide better security services for your clients. Things like mobile patrol software are even better because they can prove the quality of your service to clients.

But any technology that isn’t used properly is a waste of money and can cause inefficiency and confusion in our operation. That’s why making sure that your entire staff, from security officers to upper management, get the most out of any technology is so important.

These 4 steps are the easiest way to make sure you are being effective with any technology that you use:

  1. Evaluate Your Technology Needs
  2. Learn the Technology Yourself
  3. Explain the Benefits of the Technology to Your Guards
  4. Train Everyone on Technology

1. Evaluate your Technology Needs

Before you invest any resources into a new piece of technology, you should make sure that you are getting the right solution for your needs right out of the gate. If you don’t find the right solution, how can you expect your security guards to use it the most effectively?

To do this, first you should think about where and how new technology will be used in the day-to-day operation of your company. Asking yourself and your management the right questions will put you in the right direction.

Here are some general questions to start with:

  • What root problems are you trying to solve?
  • How comfortable are you with new technology? What about your security supervisors?
  • How will your security officers use the technology?
  • Are your officers technology friendly?

There are a lot of decisions to make based on your answers to these questions. Involving your supervisor team in this process is key to make sure you make the most informed decisions.

Once you know you have found the right technology, you need to make sure you can easily incorporate it into your operation. You might consider putting a supervisor or manager in charge of spearheading this process that will be heavily involved with the day-to-day use of the technology.

2. Learn the Technology Yourself

Effective change starts with leadership and works its way down. Once you have decided to implement a technology into your operation, you should learn the basics of how it works for yourself.

Making sure that you and the rest of your leadership team have a basic understanding of how your different technologies work will go a long way. It shows officers that you are willing to learn with them and gives them a standard to follow.

If you don’t know where to start learning about a specific technology, turn to supervisors and even guards in your organization. that you’re willing to learn from employees at any level in the company can build stronger team dynamics.

You can also go directly to the company that created the technology. They should have resources to help you learn - especially with things like security software.

If you can’t find what you need or are looking for more information, you can search for blogs and forums online. If you have a question about a popular technology, odds are you can find someone who’s already asked it.


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3. Explain the Benefits of the Technology to Your Guards

Resistance to change in any situation is perfectly normal. Many people don’t like change in the workplace because they have a way they like to do things and don’t want to lose that.

With technology in private security, that resistance can be even higher if your security guards see it as one more rule or process to follow. Even if you want technology for better accountability, there are usually benefits for the guards as well.

When you know the technology yourself, you will have an easier time communicating to them the benefits of using the technology properly.

This is a win-win situation. Your officers will see that you have their best interest in mind and the technology you are paying for will be used the right way.

4. Train Everyone on Technology

his step will help you whether or not a technology is brand new to your security operation or has been around for years.

First, you need to identify the standard operating procedures (SoPs) of using the technology. If it’s technology you already use, ask your guards and supervisors how they’re currently using it. If it’s new technology, you can ask supervisors for feedback on how they would like to see it being used.

Establishing SoPs will give you guidelines to make sure everyone is trained properly and eliminates any excuses about not knowing how to use it correctly.

After SoPs for using the technology have been established, you need to create a training program to make sure those SoPs are accomplished. This can be very simple or extremely complex, depending on your needs.

There are many ways to create training programs. If it’s a strong suit of yours, build the training yourself and/or with supervisors. Otherwise you can find existing training modules or ask the technology company for help.

Whatever option you choose, make sure to utilize your supervisors. They will be the ones overseeing day-to-day use and because of that can help make sure the training is the most effective.


When it’s being used properly, technology can make a huge difference in your private security operation. These 4 steps can help you ensure that you aren’t wasting time or money with misused tech. Here they are one more time:

  1. Evaluate Your Technology Needs
  2. Learn the Technology Yourself
  3. Explain the Benefits of the Technology to Your Guards
  4. Train Everyone on Technology

For more help on using technology in your security company, make sure to subscribe to the Silvertrac Extra for the latest tips!